Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cheech and Chong Overdone

Hmm, so what shall we say about this beer. 

First, I may have been busted. My wonderful daughter may have viewed the empty can on my kitchen counter when she brought milk to me. Yes, I drank Cheech and Chong, but I did not write about it immediately. 

I like the fact that I have time to compose my thoughts. 

Orange Glass
Second, I also felt like a beer and wanted to try the Cheech and Chong. I think that I drank this beer after mowing, so I was a bit tired. 

I love the size of the beers. I often drink one or more beers at a time. So the cans from Boiler feel just right. 

However, I went with a more giant glass from my collection. 

Third, I am not sure what is Cheech and Chong about this beer. I am also not sure how they can use Cheech and Chong's likeness without permission, but that is not my concern.

Fourth, Boiler created a pale ale with 5.6% ABV. I will say that I enjoyed it. I found this beer smooth and easy to drink.

I paired this beer with a salad and a fried chicken. I found the pairing to be fantastic.

I will definitely seek this beer when I return to the Boiler. I am also reasonably confident that I will revisit Boiler to try this beer and some of their others. 

Fifth, I found how to embed images.  In m previous posts, I simply placed the photos in the middle of the blog post. The text would appear above and below. I was not a fan of this look.

I have now found the functionality to left or right justify the image to the text that I am writing. Blogger seems to have changed this since I wrote the Advent Beer Blog. To embed the photo, simply click on it. 


Sixth, I also created an automated script to simplify the conversion of photos. The iPhone shoots photos as HEIC. In the ever advancing world of technology, Apple believes HEIC is better. However, Blogger does not use HEIC which is a function of the constant of tech giants fighting over formats. 

In the past, I would struggle with converting images. I would transfer the files from my phone using AirDrop. I wold then open then using Acorn. I would export from Acorn to JPG.

 I had never used Automater before. But after  following a few steps, I created a solution that allows me to right click on the images, select Quick Action, choose "Convert to jpg" and I have files ready to bring to Blogger. In the future, this will make things much faster. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

All Together

This India Pale is not posh.

This envelope is posh (and its contents)

I normally like IPA's but something about this IPA does not fit me. This IPA seems a bit dry, less hoppy, less fun. Yeah, I think as a beer this IPA is a bit boring. 

I love my daughter. I love this gift but I find it hard to recommend this beer. 

But still had a great day and received a cool letter because of my daughter. 

Peanut Butter in my Chocolate

I love this beer. and I love the 4-pack holder.